Monday, May 20, 2013


I love art. I told my husband that if we ever won the lottery (assuming we ever bought a ticket), he might have to stage an intervention to curtail my art purchases. I don't think there are enough walls in the world to house the amount of art I would be satisfied with.

Now, ask me how much art I create. The answer is sad, but I really haven't created as much as I would like. I always end up getting to that wall in my creativity, well before I complete my work. There's always something else that the piece just needs, but I lack the imagination to figure out just what that certain something is. So, I shelve it, and rarely ever get back to it. Procrastination sucks.

Solution? Art classes! I went by one of those 4 Cats art studios today, curious about toddler programs, and walked away with the intention to sign myself up as well. Seriously, a splatter room. What could be more therapeutic than chucking paint at a canvas, without worrying about the mess?! Control freaks everywhere rejoice!

And yes, my next birthday party will be celebrated in the splatter room. Nothing says early thirties like messy fun.

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