I think I've been more inspired to get back into the loving of art recently, because my husband has brought home a couple new pieces for me. I even cried when he brought in one of the pieces as a mother's day gift. Yep, my husband has thawed my cold heart with the gift of art. We'll just ignore the fact that I will cry at almost the drop of a hat, a trait that I swear I get from my dad (Armageddon, dad? Really?).
So, here it is!
Beauty, ain't it?! I thought so too.
And one more:
My photography skills are not the greatest here, but you can tell how rad it is regardless. The artist drew both of these gorgeous works on his computer drawing pad thingy. Yes, I'm that tech savvy. I love it, no matter the medium. I think he has extraordinary talent.
In comparison, here are a couple pieces by my little picasso:
I think he might have a fighting chance to compete against the greats of his time, no?! I have to be honest that it has taken me quite a bit of control to get over my compulsive need to keep things tidy while he's producing his artwork. One thing that has helped me let go, is designating an area for arts and crafts only. That way when we have paint splattering everywhere, and some "oops I just drew on the wall" moments, I don't get so tense. It's all good.
Lastly, I thought I'd show something that I started working on while waiting to get pregnant with my son. I was so excited to one day be a mom, that I thought I might try shaping what it would look like. I didn't account for swelling, and the spreading of my already there birthing hips. Yuh.
I haven't touched it in over two years, so dust and hair have made it their home.
Anyway, here it is:
In my previous post concerning art, I mentioned that I often hit walls with my creative ability. With this one, it was proportions, and the placement of the hands. I'll get back to finish it one day!