Monday, June 17, 2013


I'm running a 5K on July 1st. Go me! Okay, maybe not so much. I'm nowhere near ready. When I started this journey, I was sure training would go smoothly and I might even lose some weight along the way. Uh huh. My family ended up sick for over two weeks, so my tight seven week training schedule was cut right in the middle.

I'm using an iphone app called C25K (couch to 5 km) to help me train for the race. With the app, you start out alternating between running and walking, until you gradually eliminate the need to walk entirely. At the time that I got sick, I had worked my way up to 4 weeks of training.

So,  considering I was almost flat out for two weeks, you would think common sense would prevail, and I'd set myself back at least a week. Common sense, you say? Yeah, no. When it comes to exercise, I fail miserably at making good choices. I felt like a baby hippo, or maybe a really overweight sloth, being chased by a cheetah. I'm sure other people passing me must have thought I was either going into cardiac arrest, or having a very hot seizure. It was not a pretty sight.

However, that was nothing compared to the next week when I took my impatient toddler out in his stroller. Not only did I think I was going to collapse from exhaustion, but every single time he would call out to me, I would die a little inside. I just knew as soon as I choked out one response, there would be a ceaseless barrage of questions that would require similar retorts. I could hardly catch my breath, least of all speak at the rate that he expected.

Oh well, whining isn't going to get me anywhere. Cheers to hard work, and self motivation!

Friday, June 7, 2013


:having no equal.

I've had this heading saved for a few days now, struggling to find a place to start. I feel like I should be writing about something profound, but I'm not feeling too profound at the moment. So, different approach.

Imagine it's between 5:00 and 5:30 in the morning. It's the height of summer, the sky is clear, and while it's warm, there's a cool fresh feel to the breeze brushing gently across your skin. You can hear the birds singing sweetly in the trees, and the soft hum of traffic somewhere off in the distance. As the sun begins to peak through the trees, the grass lights up like a crystal sea, shimmering and undulating at your feet. There's a coyote 200 yards from you, you both pause and consider one another briefly, before he lopes off into the nearby woods.

Now, how do you feel?

This is what I left working in an office for, and I never looked back. At one point, I felt like I should pursue higher education, and get back into office work. You know, make an adult of myself. But now I realize that I was right in following my happiness. That when I was working outside, I felt peaceful (even on the rainy days). I remember one day it was raining so hard that I soaked through two pairs of rain pants, and spent the remainder of the afternoon sitting in a pool of tepid water. I spent that afternoon laughing and singing to myself. I'm sure I looked a bit maniacal, but who cares? It was fun!

So, to use my word of the day.... I feel like the working experience described above, is nonpareil to any other that I have experienced.

Where's your happy place?